In early 2009,
The Regional Association of the Theosophical Society in Wales (formed 1993)
received a pecuniary bequest of £3000 from a mystery benefactor. There is no
doubt that this money will be put to good use at the Regional Association’s
constituent groups in Bangor, Conwy and Swansea and also to the benefit of the
unattached members. Here however, are some humorous alternative suggestions for
spending 3000 quid.
Theosophy Links
Cardiff Theosophical Society meetings are informal
and there’s always a cup of tea afterwards
The Cardiff Theosophical Society Website
Newtown, Powys, Mid
The National Wales Theosophy Website
Bangor, Cardiff, Conwy & Swansea
City Centre
If you
run a Theosophy Group, please feel free
to use
any of the material on this site
Shaolin Student
Pontcanna Fields,
Theosophy Cardiff’s Instant Guide
Movement in Wales
as it separates
into independent
groups that run
do their own show
Llandudno Pier
One liners and quick explanations
H P Blavatsky is
usually the only
Theosophist that
most people have ever
heard of. Let’s put
that right
The Voice of the Silence Website
An Independent Theosophical Republic
Links to Free Online Theosophy
Study Resources; Courses,
The main criteria
for the inclusion of
links on this
site is that they have some
(however tenuous) to Theosophy
and are
lightweight, amusing or entertaining.
Topics include
Quantum Theory and Socks,
Dick Dastardly and Legendary Blues Singers.
A selection of
articles on Reincarnation
Provided in
response to the large
number of
enquiries we receive at
Theosophical Society on this subject
Punch & Judy Show, Llandudno.
The same family has run this show since 1860
The Voice of the Silence Website
Idris, Mid Wales.
Winter View
This is for
everyone, you don’t have to live
in Wales to
make good use of this Website
The Old Severn Bridge at night
If you are travelling to Wales along the M4, you
can cross on the
Old Severn Bridge (opened 1966) by taking the M48,
which will take
you over the bridge and back on to the M4. You can
also cross this
bridge on foot, horse or bike by using the service
roads on
either side. Don’t try this on the new Severn
Port Meirion,
Setting of the cult 1960s TV series,
The Prisoner
Wales Centre for Theosophy
Wales Theosophy Group
Aardvarks were harmed in the
Within the
British Isles, The Adyar Theosophical Society has Groups in;
of Man*Lancaster*Leeds*Leicester
upon Tyne
Devon*Northampton*Northern Ireland*Norwich*Nottingham
Perth*Republic of
The Spiritual Home of Urban Theosophy
The Earth Base for Evolutionary Theosophy
Complete Theosophical Glossary in Plain Text Format
This guide
has been included in response
to the number
of enquiries we receive on this
subject at Cardiff Theosophical Society
From A Textbook
of Theosophy By C W Leadbeater
How We Remember our Past Lives
Life after Death & Reincarnation
Slaughter of the
a great
demand by the public for lectures on Reincarnation
Quick Explanations
with Links to More Detailed Info
What is Theosophy ? Theosophy Defined (More Detail)
Three Fundamental Propositions Key Concepts of Theosophy
Cosmogenesis Anthropogenesis Root Races
Ascended Masters After Death States
The Seven Principles of Man Karma
Reincarnation Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Colonel Henry Steel Olcott William Quan Judge
The Start of the Theosophical
History of the Theosophical
Theosophical Society Presidents
History of the Theosophical
Society in Wales
The Three Objectives of the
Theosophical Society
Explanation of the Theosophical
Society Emblem
The Theosophical Order of
Service (TOS)
Glossaries of Theosophical Terms
Quotes from
the Writings of
Petrovna Blavatsky
The Secret
Doctrine , Volume 2, Page 100
It is only by
the attractive force of the contrasts that the two opposites — Spirit and Matter — can be cemented
together on Earth, and, smelted in the fire of self-conscious experience and suffering, find
themselves wedded in Eternity.
The Secret
Doctrine , Volume 2, Page 108
It is the
motive, and the motive alone, which makes any exercise of power become black, malignant, or white,
beneficent Magic. It is impossible to employ spiritual forces if there is the
slightest tinge of selfishness remaining in the operator .... The powers and
forces of animal nature can equally be used by the selfish and revengeful, as
by the unselfish and the all-forgiving; the powers and forces of spirit lend
themselves only to the perfectly pure in heart — and this is Divine Magic.
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 1, Page 36
The Secret
Doctrine , Volume 3, Page 14
Even ignorance is better than
Head-learning with no Soul-wisdom to illuminate and guide it.
The Voice of the Silence, Page 43
Annotation - The
Path, May, 1888
The Secret
Doctrine , Proem [Volume 1], Page 35
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 1, Page 210
The Secret
Doctrine , Volume 1, Page 134
incarnation of
his God; and when the sense of personal responsibility will be so
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 2, Page 374
It is the
motive, and the motive alone, which makes any exercise of power become
The Secret
Doctrine , Volume 2, Page 498
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 1, Page 36
From strength to
strength, from the beauty and perfection of one plane to the
greater beauty
and perfection of another, with accessions of new glory, of fresh
knowledge and
power in each cycle, such is the destiny of every Ego, which thus
becomes its own
saviour in each world and incarnation.
The Key to
Theosophy, Page 105
The Secret
Doctrine , Volume 1, Page 69
The mind
receives indelible impressions even from chance acquaintance or persons
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 1, Page 311
The Key to Theosophy, Page 228
Tabernacle, Efail Isaf,
An Outstanding
Introduction to Theosophy
By a student of
Katherine Tingley
Elementary Theosophy Who is the Man? Body and Soul
Body, Soul and Spirit Reincarnation Karma
Coleg Menai Performing Art students
as ‘human statues’ in
idea began in
Tekels Park to be Sold to a Developer
Concerns are
raised about the fate of the wildlife as
The Spiritual
Retreat, Tekels Park in Camberley,
Surrey, England
is to be sold to a developer.
Tekels Park is a
50 acre woodland park, purchased
for the Adyar Theosophical Society in England
in 1929.
In addition to
concern about the park, many are
worried about the future of the Tekels Park
as they are not a
protected species.
Theosophy talks of a compassionate
to animals and the sale of the Tekels
sanctuary for wildlife to a developer
of Tekels Park Badgers in Doubt
Party On!
Tekels Park Theosophy NOT
Tekels Park & the Loch Ness Monster
A Satirical view of
the sale of Tekels Park
in Camberley,
Surrey to a developer
The Toff’s Guide to the Sale of Tekels Park
What the men in top
hats have to
say about the sale
of Tekels Park
What Theosophy Is From the Absolute to Man
The Formation of a Solar System The Evolution of Life
The Constitution of Man After Death Reincarnation
The Purpose of Life The Planetary Chains
The Result of Theosophical Study
Outline of Theosophy
Webster Leadbeater
Theosophy - What it is How is it Known? The Method of Observation
General Principles The Three Great Truths The Deity
Advantage Gained from this
Knowledge The Divine Scheme
The Constitution of Man The True Man Reincarnation
The Wider Outlook Death Man’s Past and Future
Cause and Effect What Theosophy does for us
The Unity Underlying all Religions
The Physical
Plane The Astral Plane
Kamaloka The Mental Plane Devachan
The Buddhic and
Nirvanic Planes Reincarnation Karma
The Three Kinds of Karma Collective Karma
The Law of
Sacrifice Man’s Ascent Building a
Annotated Edition Published 1885
Preface to the Annotated Edition Preface to the Original Edition
Esoteric Teachers The Constitution of Man The Planetary Chain
The World Periods Devachan
Kama Loca
The Human Tide-Wave The Progress of Humanity
Buddha Nirvana The Universe
The Doctrine Reviewed
Juggler in action on Colwyn Bay beach
the 2009 Welsh Juggling convention
on the pier.
these if you are looking for a local
Group or Centre
UK Listing of Theosophical Groups
Please tell us about your UK Theosophy Group
into categories and presented according to relevance of
Web Directory - Add Link - Submit Article - Online Store - Forum
Menai Bridge links the Island of Anglesey
the North Wales coast
General pages
about Wales, Welsh History
and The History
of Theosophy in Wales
Wales is a
Principality within the United Kingdom and has an eastern
border with
England. The land area is just over 8,000 square miles.
Snowdon in North
Wales is the highest mountain at 3,650 feet.
The coastline is
almost 750 miles long. The population of Wales
as at the 2001 census is 2,946,200.
Bangor Conwy
& Swansea Lodges are members
of the Welsh
Regional Association (Formed 1993).
Theosophy Cardiff
separated from the Welsh Regional
Association in
March 2008 and became an independent
body within the Theosophical Movement in March 2010
Drama & Worldwide Confusion
as Theosophy Cardiff Separates from the
Welsh Regional Association (formed 1993)
Theosophy Cardiff cancels its Affiliation
to the Adyar Based Theosophical Society