Theosophy Cardiff







Esoterica Timeline

Chronology of events in the

Spiritual & Occult history of the world



18th ? century BCE Life of Abraham


13th  century BCE?  Zarathushtra founds Zoroastrianism, the religion of the Magi;

Moses leads Israelites from Egypt;

mythical date of Hermes Trismegistus. 


10th  century BCE Solomon, son of David, King of Israel flourished


4? BCE-33 CE  Jesus founds Christianity 


1st century CE  Apollonius of Tyana flourished 


1st to 3rd CE (?)  Testament of Solomon composed 


100-300 CE composition of Corpus Hermetica


204-270 CE Plotinus, Neoplatonic philosopher and mystic (born in Egypt)


233-305 CE Porphyry, Neoplatonic philosopher and mystic (born in Phoenicia)


250-325 CE Iamblicus, Neoplatonic philosopher (was born in Chalcis, Coele-Syria)


411-485 Proclus, Neoplatonic philosopher (born at Constantinople, Byzantium)


500 CE (circa) Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite flourished, probably a native of Syria


6th CE  Sefer Yetzirah edited


10th CE  Sword of Moses composed


1004-1007 (?)  al-Majriti, author of Picatrix, dies


1054  Rome splits from orthodox church, forms Catholic church


1175?-1235  Michael Scot (Scottish)


1220?-1292  Roger Bacon (English)


1227  Pope Honorius III dies


1232  Ramon Llull born (Majorca)


1240 Abraham Abulafia, Sicilian Kabbalist, founder of ecstatic Kabbala, born in Saragosa


1248 Joseph Gikatilla, Spanish Sephardic Kabbalist, born


1250? Liber Juratus (Sworn Book of Honorius) compiled by Honorius of Thebes, son of Euclid


1259 Peter de Abano [Pietro d'Abano], Italian physician and philosopher born. Professor of medicine in Padua.


1266 John Duns Scotus, Scottish scholastic philosopher and theologian, born


1274 Ramon Llull's vision on Mount Randa


1280? Sefer Ha-Zohar written by Moses de León but attributed to Simon ben Yohai


1292? Abraham Abulafia dies


1308 John Duns Scotus dies


1314 Jacques de Molay, last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, burned at the stake in Paris


1316? Ramon Llull dies


1316 Peter de Abano dies


1323 Joseph Gikatilla dies


1433 Marsilio Ficino, Italian philosopher born. Under the patronage of the de'Medicis, he translated many Greek classics including the Corpus Hermetica


1453 Fall of Constantinople to the Turks caused dispersal and spread of Greek manuscripts and scholarship


1455 Johannes Reuchlin, German humanist and lawyer, born. Reuchlin wrote on Kabbalah and propagated Hebrew studies


1462 Johannes Trithemius born at Trittenheim on the Moselle. Trithemius was a famous scholar and Benedictine abbot.


1463 Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Italian philosopher and scholar, born


1466 Francesco Giorgi [Zorzi], Venetian philosopher, born. Author of De Harmonia Mundi (Venice 1525)


1471 Ficino's translation of Corpus Hermeticum published


1474 Ferdinand and Isabella ascend to the Spanish throne thus uniting the Spanish Kingdoms


1483 Martin Luther born Eisleben, Saxony, Germany.


1486 Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa born in Cologne Germany;

Malleus Maleficarum published, major instrument of witch hunters;

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola takes his theses to Rome 

1489 Ficino's Libri de Vita published


1492 Ferdinand and Isabella expel Jews from Spain, center of Cabalistic studies, caused dispersal and spread of Jewish and Cabalistic manuscripts and scholarship; discovery of the New World. Spanish Moorish held territories are brought under Spanish rule


1493 Paracelsus (Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim) born Einsiedeln Switzerland. Swiss physician and philosopher. He was tutored (by his account) by Trithemius.


1494 Reuchlin's De verbo mirifico published;

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola dies


1499 Marsilio Ficino dies


1510 Agrippa's De Occulta philosophia finished

Guillaume Postel, French mathematician, Kabbalist, and mystic born


1515 Johan Weyer born


1516 Johannes Trithemius dies


1517 Reuchlin's De arte cabalistica published;

Martin Luther posts theses


1520 Jacques Gohory born (Jan. 20)


1522 Johannes Reuchlin dies


1525 Giorgi's De harmonia mundi published


1527 John Dee born in London

Maximillian II born


1533 Agrippa's De Occulta philosopha published

Isaak Luria, Jewish Kabbalist, born in Jerusalem

Queen Elizabeth I born at Greenwich palace in London (September 7) 


1535 Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa dies

Giambattista della Porta born in Naples. Author of Magia naturalis (Natural Magic) (1585, 1589) 


1538? Reginald Scot born. Author of Discoverie of Witchcraft (1584) 


1540 Francesco Giorgi dies;

Faust dies 


1541 Paracelsus dies 


1542 Inquisition established in Rome 


1546 Martin Luther dies 


1548 Giordano Bruno, Italian philosopher born in Nola Italy. 


1552 Simon Forman born

Emperor Rudolph II born

Guillaume Postel publishes Latin translation of Sefer Yetzirah 


1554 Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded 


1555 Edward Kelley born 


1558 Elizabeth I becomes queen of England;

Giambattista della Porta's Magia Naturalis published;

Zohar printed 


1560? Heinrich Khunrath born in Leipzig 


1564 Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica published 


1566? Michael Maier, physician, alchemist, and philosopher, born in Rensburg, Holstein (Germany). Physician to Emperor Rudolph II. 


1572 Isaak Luria dies 


1574 Robert Fludd, English physician, philosopher, and mystic, born 


1575 Jakob Boehme, German religious mystic, born;

Arbatel Of Magic first appears 


1576 Maximillian II dies

Jacques Gohory dies (Mar. 15)


1581 Dee and Kelley start their "mystical experiments"

Guillaume Postel dies 


1584 Bruno's Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast published 


1588 Johan Weyer dies 


1595 Edward Kelley dies (Nov) 


1599 Reginald Scot dies 


1600 Giordano Bruno burned at the stake in Rome 


1602 Athanasius Kircher born in Geisa a. d. Ulster, Germany (May 2)

William Lilly, astrologer and translator of Trithemius, born in Diseworth, county Leicester, England 


1603 Queen Elizabeth I dies;

accession of James I 


1605 Heinrich Khunrath dies 


1606 Trithemius' Steganographia first published 


1608 John Dee dies 


1611 Simon Forman dies 


1612 Emperor Rudolph II dies 


1614-15 Rosicrucian manifestos published in Germany 


1615 Giambattista della Porta dies 


1617 Elias Ashmole born in Lichfield, Staffordshire, England (May 23) 


1617-19 Fludd's Utriusque cosmi historia published 


1618 Maier's Atlanta Fugiens published 


1618 Johann Baptista Grossschedel publishes Calendarium magicum (The Magical Calendar)


1620 Robert Turner 'of Holshot', translator of magical texts, born 


1622 Thomas Vaughan, English Rosicrucian, born

Michael Maier dies 


1624 Jakob Boehme dies 


1636 Christian Knorr von Rosenroth, German mystic and Kabbalist, born 


1637 Robert Fludd dies 


1652 Kircher's Oedipus Aegyptiacus published

Thomas Vaughan publishes English translation (not his own) of the Rosicrucian Fama and Confessio 


1666 Thomas Vaughan dies 


1677 Christian Knorr von Rosenroth published first volume of Kabbala Denudata 


1680 Athanasius Kircher dies 


1681 William Lilly, astrologer and translator of Trithemius, dies 


1684 Christian Knorr von Rosenroth published second volume of Kabbala Denudata 


1688 Emanuel Swedenborg, scientist and mystic, born in Stockholm, Sweden. 


1689 Christian Knorr von Rosenroth dies 


1692 Elias Ashmole dies

Salem witchcraft panic 


1707 Moses Hayyim Luzzatto, Hebrew poet and Kabbalistic mystic, born Padua 


1734 Franz Anton Mesmer born in Iznang, Swabia (Germany) (May 23) 


1747 Moses Hayyim Luzzatto dies 


1749-56 Swedenborg's Arcana Coelestia published 


1751 Ebenezer Sibly born


1772 Emanuel Swedenborg dies 


1799 or 1800 Ebenezer Sibly dies


1808 Frederick Hockley born (Oct. 13)


1810 Eliphas Levi, (Constant, Alphonse Louis), French occultist, born in Paris, France. He is said to be largely responsible for the revival of magic in the 19th century. 


1815 Franz Anton Mesmer dies 


1831 Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (née Helena Petrovna von Hahn), co-founder of the first Theosophical Society, born in Ekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). 


1832 Henry Steel Olcott, cofounder of the Theosophical Society, born 


1865 Papus (i.e. G.A.V. Encausse), French occultist and author born 


1846 Anna Kingsford (Annie Bonus) born 


1847 Annie Besant (née Wood), author and noted Theosophist born 


1848 William W. Wescott born 


1854 Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers born in London 


1856 Levi's masterpiece Le Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie published 


1857 Arthur Edward Waite born in Brooklyn, New York 


1861 Rudolf Steiner born


1865 William Butler Yeats born in Ireland


1875 The first Theosophical is founded in New York by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge and others.


1875 Eliphas Levi, (Constant, Alphonse Louis) dies (May 31)


1875 Aleister Crowley (Crowley, Edward Alexander) born (October 12)


1885 Frederick Hockley dies


1889 Mathers' edition of Kabbalah Unveiled published


1888 Anna Kingsford (Annie Bonus) dies

Papus' Traité Elémentaire de Science Occulte published;

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn established in London 


1889 Mathers' edition of Key of Solomon published 


1890 Dion Fortune (i.e. Violet Mary Firth) born;

W.B. Yeats joins the Golden Dawn 


1891 Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, cofounder of the Theosophical Society, dies in London. The Theosophical Society subsequently separates into many diverse groups. 


1897 Levi's Le Clef des Grandes Mystères published 


1898 Julius Evola born

Aleister Crowley joins the Golden Dawn;

Mathers publishes The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage [Abramelin] 


1899 C.G. Leland publishes Aradia, the Gospel of the Witches 


1900 Crowley expelled from the Golden Dawn 


1901 Manly Palmer Hall born 


1907 Henry Steel Olcott, cofounder of the Theosophical Society, dies.

Israel Regardie born 


1909 Franz Bardon born 


1916 Papus (i.e. G.A.V. Encausse), French occultist and author dies 


1918 Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers dies 


1925 William W. Wescott dies

Rudolf Steiner dies 


1933 Annie Besant (née Wood), author and noted Theosophist dies 


1937 Israel Regardie publishes the Golden Dawn, which includes the bulk of the Golden Dawns' rituals and teachings. 


1939 William Butler Yeats dies 


1942 Arthur Edward Waite dies 


1946 Dion Fortune (i.e. Violet Mary Firth) dies 


1947 Aleister Crowley (Crowley, Edward Alexander) dies 


1958 Franz Bardon dies 


1974 Julius Evola dies 


1985 Israel Regardie dies 


1990 Manly Palmer Hall dies 
















Cardiff Theosophical Society meetings are informal

and there’s always a cup of tea afterwards





The Cardiff Theosophical Society Website





The National Wales Theosophy Website

Links to groups in

Bangor, Cardiff, Conwy & Swansea


Cardiff Blavatsky Archive

Life & Work of H P Blavatsky

A Theosophy Study Resource




Dave’s Streetwise 

Theosophy Boards

The Theosophy Website that

Welcomes Absolute Beginners

If you run a Theosophy Group, please feel free

to use any of the material on this site



The Most Basic Theosophy

 Website in the Universe

A quick overview of Theosophy 

and the Theosophical Society

If you run a Theosophy Group you 

can use this as an introductory handout.


Theosophy Cardiff’s Instant Guide

to Theosophy


Cardiff Theosophy Start-Up

A Free Intro to Theosophy


Theosophy Cardiff Burn-Up



Theosophy Wales Burn-Up


Cardiff Theosophical Archive




Theosophy Wales 2008 Changes

A new structure for the

Theosophical Movement in Wales

as it separates into independent

groups that run do their own show



Blavatsky Blogger

Independent Theosophy Blog


Quick Blasts of Theosophy

One liners and quick explanations

About aspects of Theosophy


Great Theosophists

The Big Names of Theosophy

H P Blavatsky is usually the only

Theosophist that most people have ever

heard of. Let’s put that right


The Blavatsky Blogger’s

Instant Guide To

Death & The Afterlife


Blavatsky Calling

The Voice of the Silence Website



The Blavatsky Free State

An Independent Theosophical Republic

Links to Free Online Theosophy 

Study Resources; Courses, Writings, 

Commentaries, Forums, Blogs





Visit the Feelgood Lodge

The main criteria for the inclusion of

links on this site is that they have some

relationship (however tenuous) to Theosophy

and are lightweight, amusing or entertaining.

Topics include Quantum Theory and Socks,

Dick Dastardly and Legendary Blues Singers.



Theosophy and Reincarnation

A selection of articles on Reincarnation

by Theosophical writers

Provided in response to the large 

number of enquiries we receive at 

Cardiff Theosophical Society on this subject


Nothing answers questions

like Theosophy can!

The Key to Theosophy


Applied Theosophy

Henry Steel Olcott


Blavatsky Calling

and I Don’t Wanna Shout

The Voice of the Silence Website


The South of Heaven Guide

To Theosophy and Devachan


The South of Heaven Guide

To Theosophy and Dreams


The South of Heaven Guide

To Theosophy and Angels


Theosophy and Help From

The Universe


Theosophy Wales Hornet


Hey Look!

Theosophy in Wales


Theosophy Wales Vanguard



Wales! Wales! Theosophy Wales

The All Wales Guide to

Getting Started in Theosophy

This is for everyone, you don’t have to live

in Wales to make good use of this Website


Hey Look!

Theosophy in Cardiff


Theosophy in Wales

The Grand Tour


Theosophy Avalon

The Theosophy Wales

King Arthur Pages



Chalice Well, Glastonbury.

The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to

Chalice Well, Glastonbury,

Somerset, England


The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to

Glastonbury Abbey


The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to

Glastonbury Tor


Theosophy Cardiff’s

Glastonbury Abbey Chronology


The Labyrinth

The Terraced Maze of Glastonbury Tor


The Grave of King Arthur & Guinevere

At Glastonbury Abbey






Theosophy Wales



Ernest Egerton Wood





Theosophy Starts Here




No Aardvarks were harmed in the

preparation of this Website




Heavy Metal Overview




Rock ‘n Roll Chronology




Tekels Park


Concerns about the fate of the wildlife as

Tekels Park is to be Sold to a Developer


Concerns are raised about the fate of the wildlife as

The Spiritual Retreat, Tekels Park in Camberley,

Surrey, England is to be sold to a developer.


Tekels Park is a 50 acre woodland park, purchased

 for the Adyar Theosophical Society in England in 1929.

In addition to concern about the park, many are

 worried about the future of the Tekels Park Deer

as they are not a protected species.


Anyone planning a “Spiritual” stay at the

Tekels Park Guest House should be aware of the sale.





Theosophy in the UK



Within the British Isles, The Adyar Theosophical Society is the

largest Theosophical Body and has Groups in;




Folkstone*Glasgow*Grimsby*Inverness*Isle of Man*Lancaster*Leeds*Leicester

Letchworth*London*Manchester*Merseyside*Middlesborough*Newcastle upon Tyne

North Devon*Northampton*Northern Ireland*Norwich*Nottingham

Perth*Republic of Ireland*Sidmouth*Southport*Sussex*Swansea*Torbay

Tunbridge Wells*Wallasey*Warrington*Wembley*Winchester*Worthing


The Tooting Broadway

Underground Theosophy Website

The Spiritual Home of Urban Theosophy


The Mornington Crescent

Underground Theosophy Website

The Earth Base for Evolutionary Theosophy


H P Blavatsky’s Heavy Duty

Theosophical Glossary

Published 1892



Complete Theosophical Glossary in Plain Text Format



Instant Guide to Theosophy

Quick Explanations with Links to More Detailed Info


What is Theosophy ? Theosophy Defined (More Detail)


Three Fundamental Propositions  Key Concepts of Theosophy


Cosmogenesis  Anthropogenesis  Root Races  Karma


Ascended Masters  After Death States  Reincarnation


The Seven Principles of Man  Helena Petrovna Blavatsky


Colonel Henry Steel Olcott William Quan Judge


The Start of the Theosophical Society


History of the Theosophical Society


Theosophical Society Presidents


History of the Theosophical Society in Wales


The Three Objectives of the Theosophical Society


Explanation of the Theosophical Society Emblem


Glossaries of Theosophical Terms



Elementary Theosophy

An Outstanding Introduction to Theosophy

By a student of Katherine Tingley


Elementary Theosophy Who is the Man?  Body and Soul


Body, Soul and Spirit  Reincarnation  Karma


The Seven in Man and Nature


The Meaning of Death




A Text Book of Theosophy

Charles Webster Leadbeater


What Theosophy Is  From the Absolute to Man


The Formation of a Solar System  The Evolution of Life


The Constitution of Man  After Death  Reincarnation


The Purpose of Life  The Planetary Chains


The Result of Theosophical Study




An Outline of Theosophy

Charles Webster Leadbeater


Theosophy - What it is  How is it Known?  The Method of Observation


General Principles  The Three Great Truths  The Deity


Advantage Gained from this Knowledge  The Divine Scheme


The Constitution of Man  The True Man  Reincarnation


The Wider Outlook  Death  Man’s Past and Future


Cause and Effect  What Theosophy does for us





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Theosophy Group or Centre



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Pages about Wales

General pages about Wales, Welsh History

and The History of Theosophy in Wales


Wales is a Principality within the United Kingdom and has an eastern

border with England. The land area is just over 8,000 square miles.

Snowdon in North Wales is the highest mountain at 3,650 feet.

The coastline is almost 750 miles long. The population of Wales

as at the 2001 census is 2,946,200.





Hey Look!

Theosophy in Cardiff


Theosophy Wales


Theosophy UK



Bangor Conwy & Swansea Lodges are members

of the Welsh Regional Association (Formed 1993).

Theosophy Cardiff separated from the Welsh Regional

Association in March 2008 and became an independent

body within the Theosophical Movement in March 2010



High Drama & Worldwide Confusion

as Theosophy Cardiff Separates from the

Welsh Regional Association (formed 1993)


Theosophy Cardiff cancels its Affiliation

to the Adyar Based Theosophical Society




Theosophy Cardiff

Theosophy House

206 Newport Road,

Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF24 – 1DL